WIP idea, sketch of a page, basically, anything and everything could change!
also available at my tilde.team page
. idea map -----+                                                              .
.              /|\raw file (.txt)  +  diff/patch file -\                       .
.             | | |                                with | extra styles, links &.
.             | |  \ manual boxing & stuff?            _|                     s.
.             | |                         |           /                       t.
.             |  \ used for gopher        |       used to make html version   u.
.             |                           |               |                   f.
.             |\ keyboard nav? (js?)       \ automate? --> \ how?             f.
.             |                                            |_ cgi?             .
.              \ tree nav? just navbar? none?              |_ static gen?      .
.                                                          |_ javascript?      .
  ---8<---SCRAP THIS---8<---CUT HERE---8<---SCRAP THIS---8<---CUT HERE---8<---  

│ MENU ITEMSHTML-ONLYdon't have to be capitalized lolBACKNEXT POST │
│                            JAN6's WRAPPED RAMBLINGS                          │
│ the body text of this page is 80 characters wide and uses purely utf8 text.  │
│ there may be minimal markup to emphasize text, or link to things, etc...     │
│ web version of this page uses the font "PxPlus IBM EGA8" which is            │
│                                        "Flexi IBM VGA9 False"                │
│ available at: https://int10h.org/oldschool-pc-fonts/ along with many more    │
│ https://int10h.org/blog/2018/05/flexi-ibm-vga-scalable-truetype-font/        │
│ the following snippet should get you this page's raw text:                   │
│> curl -sS localhost:8080|hq '#content' text|sed 's/[^\n]\{81\}/&\n/g'       <│
│  if using the plaintext + diff tactic then it's excess anyway                │
│ also all font-sizes are the same, for maximum raw-ness

numbers to help align stuff during testing:
123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789